Cancelling your booking

Does your reservation start in more than 48 hours? Then the reservation can be cancelled. You can easily do this yourself via our MOBIAN app. After selecting 'My trips' you will have to choose the booking that would like to cancel. Then by clicking the top right button 'Manage' you will see the option to cancel your booking. Alternatively, you can contact our support team via WhatsApp. Please keep in mind that if there is no cost-free cancellation included in your booking, there is a cancellation fee of 15%. You will be refunded 85% of the reservation amount from 3 to 5 business days.

Does the reservation start within 48 hours? Unfortunately, then it is no longer possible to cancel your booking.

Do you have some exceptional circumstances for a cancellation within that time frame? We then recommend either contacting us or the booked parking provider directly. You will find the contact details on the voucher you received after booking.